The power of Stories

“Everyone tells a story about themselves within their minds. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”

Stories are the way we connect and bond at the grandest and simplest of levels - they are the lifeblood of our cultures and societies. 

We are a people interlinked by stories which connect us to each other, this earth, the stars, our ancestors and which shape our Future. 

Stories are everything. They are the source of our happiness or our despair. 

Through stories we claim the birthright of forging our past, present and future as a unified whole. 

Each one of us lives every moment of this life through the continuous unfolding of stories. There are many layers to this - from mythology to folk stories. From traditional stories to religious stories and even the modern stories of science. Each one shapes our perspective, defining our role, our emotional and spiritual state and our connectedness to the relational web of life. It is through stories that we can rise to kiss the stars or become chained, drowned in the flood of suffering. 

Stories thus are our operating system. They are the blueprint that gives structure to our lives. All indigenous Stories create a vibrant world of love, union and respect, placing humanity within a harmonious web which connects all living beings as sovereign and equal. Within the indigenous stories we find humanity becoming guardians and tenders of life.

Modern stories born out of controlling forces such as Religious institutions, instead have placed humans in shackles by creating a Story of oppression, of competition, of struggle, sin and victimhood. We grow being told that we are not enough, are sinful, are in constant battle with a natural world which seeks to destroy us - Life is danger and suffering they tell us.

Iboga is a gift of Creator. It is a medicine of Story and of walking the Earth as unified peoples. Through the Ritualized ceremony of Iboga we engage with the fundamental stories which shape our lives. We become the witness of the stories which hold us shackled, repressed and locked away from our true selves. From there we gain the opportunity to re-write our stories. 

This is where we truly engage with Life. There is no right or wrong. No story is too fantastic or wild. You have the power to create the most beautiful, vibrant, compassionate story and live every moment of your life through its expression.

Iboga shows us that as modern people we must reclaim our Storytelling abilities. We must re-engage with creativity and imagination freeing ourselves from the stories of control that keep us separated from ourselves, each other and life.

This is the power of Story.

Nobody can take it away from you.

Will you write a beautiful Story? born from your Love for the Beauty of Life?

Will your story connect you to the world around you? speaking of love, care, trust and cooperation? Will you write a story which gives song to the flowers and the stars? Will you tell a story of the beauty that is ever breathing you? Will you become the Story teller of your Life?


Letting go


The Beauty Way