The Pilliars of Healing
“In letting go of who you think you are, you become who you actually are”
Everything is born from awareness. From the chaos of darkness, a singular presence emerges. This form is alive and soon becomes aware of itself; It’s organized shape in contrast to the outer chaos, its movement and dynamics, it’s boundaries.
Awareness begins to blossom resourcing itself within the spring of life and this little presence now witnesses it’s own poesis as it unfolds within each moment.
Awareness is thus the first pillar of Healing. One cannot heal without being aware. This is easily shown with physical disease and is also true for our wounds, patterns, thoughts etc. Awareness becomes our closed eyes, seeing through the forms of reality, peering into Spirit and is in a continuous process of realization. Each one of our cells holds within it a self awareness giving it incredible potential for Health.
When we slow down and soften we allow ourselves to become the Awareness. Through these ancient eyes, we are able to see the rhythms undulating within ourselves. We begin to truly see the fractal patterns which shape our minds and our reality. The wounds that are carried by our Souls, anchored deeply within our physical fabric, begin to clearly emerge from the murky waters of the subconscious. They are seen, perhaps for the first time, and this witnessing through our awareness creates a Miracle. Like a golden beam of light, it pierces the shadows to reveal exquisite beauty.
We have all experienced being seen in a moment of tenderness. Our Hearts know this feeling well and finds within it the well spring of life.
Iboga is a Divine medicine which co-evolved with Humanity. Both in service to each other. It is a Divine Awareness which, when eaten as Sacrement, deeply rejuvenates our Inner Awareness. Like a plant not watered, our Awareness can too shrivel and crack. Through its nourishment it becomes alive again, becoming pristine.
This is the first great Gift of Iboga. To support us in refining our own awareness and to allow for Remembrance to flow freely. We remember that all of our cells hold incredible potential to fully realize.
It is the Seed. The road to become the tree is long, with no true end. The Seed does not hold a goal to become a Tree. Only, the seed finds itself emerged within the continuum of self realizing awareness.
It is a miracle of life to become the Seer of the incredible beauty of our own Creation.
Here we find the second Pillar of Healing. Within it there are two aspects; Will & Willingness. Both seem different yet cannot truly be separated. To exert our Will we must enter a state of Willingness.
Life is a continuum of becoming. It is a dance of Beauty, a flux of miracles. The innate force which power all movements within the vast Cosmos of divine inteligence is willingness and the power of Will. Spirit, Creator, God, became aware of itself and through a profound Willingness began the process of Willing itself into multitudes of fractal forms. From this place of stilled awareness, Spirit begins to weave it’s own thread.
Willingness opens all gates. When one is in a state of willingness there is an openness and a will to change. When we become aware of ourselves, we begin to see the rhythms of our lives. We see the foundational blocks of our Selves and the patterns which guide us. To begin any change we must be be willing to change and through this expose or Will to the forces of life who always listen. Our Will is a song shaping itself, born of willingness and a desire to change, refine, grow. This Song is sacred and offers itself fully to the Divine who longs to see us in our full Beauty. Now that we are willing, the gates are opened and the ingredients for this change to occur can be offered to us. In willingness, we expose our hearts and in humility accept the vulnerability to change.
Awareness and Willingness are lovers whom tenderly offer themselves to each other. This loving swirl has no end; it thrives in the oct of Seeing and Willing.
Iboga as sacred sacrament supports us in strengthening our Will & awareness yet without our willigness it’s work cannot begin. ultimately one could also say that willingness is the beginning of all things. There must be a Will to change, to form, to become.
When we are called to Iboga, other plants or practices which will change our perception, we may find ourselves deeply tested. There may be challenges on the road to arrive to Ceremony. you may find resistance from loved ones, imposing their fears or you may experience a wealth of doubt. All of these are opportunities for strengthening Willingness.